Monday, June 21, 2010

Lagos' first pop-up event space

Forwarded message from Papa Omotayo

I just wanted to let you know about our new venture - A White Space.

Some people maybe already be aware of it and others, this will be the first time I’m telling you about it. Either way, I’m grateful that you're still reading and this hasn't ended up in your delete folder. (yet!)

The concept/development has been in the pipeline for a few years now and we've been VERY lucky to get things moving in 2010. We got great feedback from friends, families and hopefully future clients to help crystallise the model, but more importantly we found a great venue for the first WHITE SPACE.

What is all this white space talk - you're asking - huh?

A White Space offers a solution to businesses/individuals looking for a short term commercial space/venue.

It is a fully-serviced, empty white space available from 1 day or up to six weeks.


It provides an option to help solve the major challenges that retail/commercial businesses often face in finding and affording the right space, in the right location, especially in Lagos.
It also provides the opportunity to totally brand a space and create unique temporary installations.

We're very excited at all the various possibilities and incarnations that the space could be transformed into. We're excited about working with existing commercial brands and businesses, already in or coming to Lagos, who may want to use the space for, workshops, intimate events, branding exercises etc.

But also for the new start ups, and the abundance of talent and creativity in Lagos at present, with designers, restaurateurs, entrepreneurs, creatives, artists and culture junkies whom the white space concept was initially created for. This is a great way for them to get a temporary space in the city and for everyone else to see what they’re doing.

create. exhibit. retail. share

I hope I get to see or hear from some of you, in some capacity, whether as a future client, collaborator, visitor or just hearing you told a friend about us. Whichever the case, I’m always grateful you took the time-out. Thank you.

The walls are blank - The doors are open - over to you!!

For more information please check out our website or contact us via phone (ask for Papa or Azeez) or email [email protected]


Paps,  10:51 pm  

cheers for the post.


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