Thursday, April 12, 2007

On the tragicomic

I am travelling through a passage of space-time where there are people afflicted with terminal illness at one remove. It would be hard to imagine comedy arising from such tragic conditions, but today that is precisely what happened.

My brother in law is a solicitor. He told me today about one of his clients, who is just about to die. With no relatives or next of kin, he's left everything in his will to... a schizophrenic prostitute from Bournemouth. Apparently he'd developed a soft spot for her, thanks to her weekly visits. She's promised my b-i-l that immediately after the final expiration, she will ransack the place.

The man will leave behind a house, a budgie and a parrot. The usual delicate diplomacies may need to be curtailed. My brother in law has had to cancel engagements, in readiness for the Grand Departure. What to do with the birds?


Uche,  1:54 am  

LOL!!!! R u kiddin'??? Must be a grand time to be a prostitute....Good for her. Maybe that will turn her life around.

Anonymous,  11:39 am  

Jeremy.....there is a schizophrenic in all of us.

Well, no one else was there for him........good luck to her!!

PS - What about you find her and engage her services and if she expires, the ransacked house goes to you

Calabar Gal 11:52 am  

Lucky HER!! Hope the bequeast makes her think of early retirement and leave her current trade.

ababoypart2 3:15 pm  

"immediately after the final expiration, she will ransack the place" - lol. Like uche said, this might be a life changing turn in her life. I use the word 'might' carefully.

Anonymous,  7:45 pm  

ok, i'm thinking about the movie Venus with Peter O'toole

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